February 6, 2025

There is one major reason why more and more internet cafe have been growing at almost every block on the streets of today. Two words: Online Games. These are the flavor that has spiced up the digital blend of technology today. We have gone beyond the age of modems and terminals required to actually have a multiplayer game possible. Not only did these gadgets limit the connectivity of the users to the confines of small rooms, or phone bills, you render your lines inaccessible during game play. Online network allows you to tap people from all over the globe, making the growth of online games one of the sources of virtual socialization.

Then the evolution the gaming industry took a wild turn with the rise of Java or Flash games. Cyberspace become the storage center of the entire world as sites are able to host posting of live video or audio streaming, uploading of photos, massive data and other digital files anyone could possibly have. Now, not only did the World Wide Web become famous as a data center, it soared through the charts as an entertainment center with its catalog of games and social networks that are created by the minute.

Online games have greatly increased in complexity. Gone were the days of solitaire and simple animations where the character does not even blink. Imagery and graphics have become phenomenal, and game plots have developed to be highly intricate. The duration of game time has exceeded the usual hours, which have made the internet market a highly profitable industry.

Flash games are an addiction, where one can earn great profits if played wisely. Developers have learned to charge gamers for new and highly sophisticated games. Always expect a sequel or even a prequel for profitable games. Some, choose to have these games played freely in certain sites, and relies on their popularity ratings to acquire more advertisers and earn through commissions. Others also choose to distribute free games, where you would need to purchase upgrades in order to actually finish several plots. All are very well planned strategies. No amount, it seems, is too great for hooked enthusiasts.

You may hear most gamers talk about MMORPG or MMOFPS, or even MMORTS. No, these are not alien talk but more of their special lingo brought about online games. MMO would stand for Massive Multiplayer Online, and the next set of letters defines the type of game involved; examples of which are RPG (Role Playing Game), SG (Social Game), RTS (Real-Time Strategy) and FPS (First-Person Shooter). These require a large supply of bandwidth supply constant connection online.

Boredom will never be a problem again! All you need is your personal computer, a laptop or gaming console, or maybe your next door cyber cafe. Grab a taste of that java or flash game hot off the shelf and find yourselves craving for more. Never have these digital blends been so addicting. There’s always a perfect one brewing, so what are you waiting for?